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Stay Cool and Eat Fresh This Summer

Welcome to the sunny season in Palm Springs! This month at Freddie’s Kitchen, we’re celebrating the vibrant flavors of summer-time’s fresh herbs and seasonal produce. These tasty influencers can transform dishes into refreshing delights.

Basil loves the sun and the heat. It’s sweet and peppery notes pair perfectly with summer staples like tomatoes and mozzarella. Try it in our Caprese salad or vegetable wellington.

Mint, with its cooling effect, is ideal for hot days. Enjoy it in our summertime special salads or as a refreshing topper on desserts.

Cilantro’s citrusy zing enhances fresh pico de gallo and seafood dishes. It’s a staple in our summer seafood ceviche, bringing a bright, fresh flavor.

Tomatoes are one of my favorite flavors! Heat tolerant varieties pop with incredible taste. Look forward to dishes featuring these summer gems.

Rosemary Tuff and distinctive rosemary adds a depth to many dishes. Just a bit goes a long way.

Eggplant thrives in hot weather and is often an under-used delicacy. Try it grilled on our vegetarian Wellington.

Watermelons and cantaloupes flourish in the heat, offering a sweet, juicy treat. I’m exploring new creations and dishes to offer in the coming months with melon.


Dining Tips:

Eat Early: Beat the heat by dining early. Enjoy a leisurely early summertime dinner in our air-conditioned dining room.

Stay Cool: Sip on our refreshing herb-infused beverages or enjoy a perfectly chilled rose’.

Evening Relaxation: After dining and as the desert temps cool, explore the night with a stroll under the stars. Palm Springs nights are perfect for an ‘après un repas’ walk downtown or home if you’re a neighbor.

We welcome you to visit Freddie’s Kitchen to experience these fresh herbs and seasonal produce in our summer specials. Stay cool and eat fresh!
